What's Yurinasu Body Tunig
芯振°る(Simple) is the Best.

photographer Buntaro Kato
Body adjustment by the sway of your body,giving you a sense of peace and safety,allowing yourself to be and your original essence to blossom ...
Free from time and space, the heart opens in a true sense of comfort.
Yurinasu is the rhythm of a gentle vibration heal your body of all distortions in the physical, emotional and spiritual body.
The body naturally adjust to this vibration and activate a healing process back to it's natural state of your original essence. It will initiate the healing of physical discomfort, pain and diseases by letting the body correcting itself.
This vibration will open, activate and allow the transformation of your core,
healing it's distortion and bringing back a sense of being at ease with one-self.
As it will last for a period of time beyond the duration of the session, it is recommended that one is observing the process of the adjustment of the vibration of your body for the time after your treatment.